Thursday, January 23, 2014

heART fundraiser

Set to open in the Upstairs gallery in Tryon, NC- the Moore hearts are complete and ready. Olivia's Starry heART is made in the Van Gogh fashion of thick impasto paint, which she enjoyed. Abrum 's PiZza my heART was created with stamps that he drew out and I cut-he picked the colors and stamped and painted- I added the lines afterwards

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A new Year

Happy new Year to all! What does this year hold for you? What plans have you put into place?

Abrum is working on more vegtables in his diet. Last night he tried a carrot-not his favorite. 

Olivia has decided to be tall- I haven't heard the plans involved in keeping that New Year's Plan. I'll keep you updated!