Monday, November 5, 2012

Sidling up

I have joined PiBoIdMo. It is a 30 challenge by an amazing blogger, Tara Lazar, and if I could figure out how to post the badge on this blog I would. We, those who accept the challenge, write a story/idea for a picture book every day for the month of November. What a fabulous and scary adventure.
Yesterday there was a grand post from Emma Ledbetter about sidling she begins to read and the children gather around to listen. In our house that happens when ever a book-sketch, lined, published or otherwise appears in somebody's lap. What a great thing to share with the world, our child friendly ideas...sometimes with adult themes or kid tradgies. My daughter decided that she would take the challenge with me and busted out one of her many spirals and began an illustrated story about a dog. I am grateful for the talent God granted me, that my mother shared with me that I can share with my children and so many others. I hope that my pictures as well as my words are something to sidle up alongside.

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